On Saturday, BJP leader Mithun Chakraborty reaffirmed his earlier assertion that approximately 21 Trinamool Congress (TMC) MLAs remain in direct contact with him. Speaking at a press conference held at a BJP office in the Hastings area, Chakraborty emphasized that the number of TMC MLAs in communication with him has not diminished since his initial claim. On July 27, he had stated that around 38 TMC MLAs were in touch with the BJP, with 21 having direct contact with him.
“I stand by what I had said earlier. About 21 TMC MLAs are still in touch with me. I said this earlier, and I am saying this now. Just wait for the right time,” asserted Chakraborty. He acknowledged internal objections within the BJP regarding the acceptance of TMC leaders into the party, stating that proper scrutiny would be conducted before welcoming any leaders.
Currently in the city for Durga Puja, Chakraborty is scheduled to inaugurate several pandals in Kolkata and across the state. He criticized Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her recent remarks suggesting that the BJP was utilizing the CBI and the ED to target opposition parties, while maintaining that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was not orchestrating such actions.
In response, TMC state general secretary Kunal Ghosh criticized Chakraborty, labeling him a good actor, but also a traitor and an opportunistic political leader. Ghosh accused Chakraborty of following a scripted narrative designed to provide consolation to the BJP amid internal conflicts. He dismissed Chakraborty’s claims as detached from reality and lacking in substance.